Hiring full time carers and supercharging growth in the care sector
Based in rural Wales, Bluebird homecare owner, James Kutchera struggled last year to recruit and retain his staff. With the majority of them being part time workers, it meant his small team had to cope with regular handbacks on a weekly basis. It put a huge strain on the team, who were already working “below capacity” and meant they were unable to take on “new runs and double ups”. They needed to focus on hiring a full time and reliable workforce.
Sadly, advertising on Indeed was not the answer. James explains, “we recently invited 20 people to interview from Indeed applications. Only 13 showed up. Of those, only 3 wanted full time work, which they considered to be 30 hours per week.” It was at this point that Bluebird Headquarters introduced him to Lifted.
Finding an alternate solution in Lifted
Lifted supported James through the whole Sponsorship Recruitment process; from gaining his license, to screening and onboarding his Carers, to supporting with all legal and compliance matters. “The most important thing for us is the support with ongoing compliance - navigating the complex Home Office requirements”, knowing he can get “answers in minutes”, as opposed to “putting it off and spending a full day working it out”.
As for the quality of the candidates they saw on Lifted, James says, “we’d have happily hired 5 out of the 6 Carers we interviewed”. The work that goes into screening the candidates and providing him with “detailed bios and initial video interviews of the Carers on the platform” means the team's time isn’t wasted setting up and interviewing people who were never going to be right for the roles. He goes on to say, “we want to hire Carers with personality - to enhance our customers experience - you can tell a lot about someone's approach to care in the platform, even before you invite them to interview.”
Early signs of success
Having only recently partnered with Lifted, James has already onboarded his first few hires and admits, “I only wish I had met Lifted 6 months sooner, we’d be 6 months further along the line.” This year James has grand plans to grow his business significantly. All of this is looking possible as a result of their partnership with Lifted, particularly given Lifted’s pricing model, which covers the cost of upfront fees and helps with the ever increasing problem of cashflow.
If you’re looking to supercharge your businesses growth this year and would like Lifted to support you through the process of Sponsorship recruitment, reach out to sales@liftedcare.com - we’ll be happy to help!
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